Leaders after 1954

1974 - After this time, the charters no longer list any troop leaders.  A program from the Scout month banquet - 2/20/74 lists the following leaders:  D. R. Brown, Chairman; S. H. Rigby, Scoutmaster; C. Frickey, Assistant Scoutmaster; B. Siedelmann, Secretary; D. Pence, Treasurer; Other committee members:  P. McCarthey, G. Mortenson, P. Fineman, S. Adams, H. Schnuckel.

At the 51st anniversary celebration in about 1972 or 73, Henry Rigby was introduced as the new Scoutmaster.  

Donald R. Brown was Scoutmaster in 1976, Guy Hayman in 1980, and Jim Claunch in 1981.

Jim Siedelmann became the Scoutmaster in about 1982 and held that position until 11/14/2004 when he died.

Cheryl Siedelmann held that position from Jim’s death until Jan. 5, 2010

Robin Stewart became the Scoutmaster on Jan. 5, 2010, Harlan Lerum became Scoutmaster in May, 2013.

© Cheryl Siedelmann 2012