Dec. 2012

Minutes Committee Meeting Dec. 17, 2012
Attendees: Eric, Beth, Elliot, Robin, Bill, Sara, Bob
1. Prayer: Bill
2. Minutes: Bob, Approved
3. Quartermaster: Heard no cross country ski rentals, plan to add cross county skis to Scout Closet. Tent zipper broken plan to replace with ties. Eric going to make a four item required list for patrol boxes. Robin put light in trailer, Seth replaced Philip as Quartermaster.
4. Ventures:
 A. Made cookies to sell.
 B. January 5-6: Ski into a cabin at Warm River, play on snowmobile.
 C. Some of the Ventures independently going to the climbing gym.
 D. Salmon High River Adventure this summer Cheryl won bid at holiday auction for $500. 10 people 2 Adults 8 Ventures $50 per person.
 E. Philmont 2014: #712-2044 leave 7-11 back 7-25 $800 plus travel.
5. Treasurer: No Report.
6. Past Events: Capotes and bag building went well, Scouts from 310 and some Girl Scouts.
 A. Granite Hot Springs: Good outing Both Scouts and Adults worked hard. 4 to 5 miles of skiing and hot tubing
7. Up Coming: 
 A. Merit Badge Scramble: Hand out Sign up sheet Wed. 19th meeting.
 B. Winteree Jan 25-27: Cheryl needs to know by 10th who is going
 C. Michael's Eagle COH Feb 6th
 D. Scout Sunday Brunch Feb 10: Sign up sheet on Troop 6 website, send out newsletter to new Scout parents 
 E. Troop Elections Feb 13th, Troop Court of Honor Feb 27
 F. Austin's Eagle COH March 13th
 G. Rockets: Build rockets April 6th Mary Dawson (Trinity) 10 am to 2 pm. Camp 13-14 Desert Eagles flying Club. Launch rockets maybe fly some planes with help from members and Geo-Caching.
 H. July Camp Loll and National Jamberee 
8. District and Council: Award of merit nominate Sara, Harlan, Elliot. Hall of Famer nominate Cheryl. District dinner Feb 7th Brentwood Ward.
9. New Business: Rework Scout Patrols, have 15 active Scouts at moment. 
10. Scoutmaster Minute: Robin
               Next Parents Committee Meeting January 28th, 2012 at Trinity 7:30

© Cheryl Siedelmann 2012