


Jun 11, 2008



1990, Hans Kaser was born.  In August of that year Amy, Tim, Hans and sister Kristin moved to Idaho Falls.  Later he attended Hillview Elementary, Sandcreek Middle School and is currently a senior at Hillcrest High School.  Hans joined the Wolf pack in 1997 and participated in pinewood derbies, food drives, and other Cub Scout activities.  Before being accepted into Troop 6 he attended a Winteree and a Green Canyon campout.  

Hans was introduced to Troop 6 May, 2002.  His first summer camp was Camp Buffalo Bill 2003 near Cody Wyoming.  Summer camps for the next four years were at, Camp Bradley 2004, Camp Meriwether 2005, Camp Easton 2006 and Treasure Mountain 2007.  At Camp Easton he earned the Polar Bear award.  At Treasure Mountain he earned his secret Chief Indian name.  He was especially fond of Camp Easton at Lake Coeur d’Alene because of all the water merit badges he could earn.  He did the polar bear swim every morning.  If there was water, Hans was in it.  

In his years with Troop 6 Hans has gone rock climbing, downhill and cross country skiing, camped on the Pacific Ocean beach in Oregon, did the mile swim at three different camps, white water rafting, sailing, power boating, kayaking and biking.  The summer of 2005 he hiked to top of Table Mountain in Teton National Park to honor Mr. Siedelmann.  Hans participated in two 50 milers navigating by canoe on the Snake River in Idaho and the Missouri River in Montana.

He has proven his leadership on many trips and outings that Troop 6 originated.  He learned to cook; set up a camp and whatever else it takes to enjoy the “great outdoors.”  He earned the “Over 100 degrees below zero” badge.  Nicknamed “The Fish”, he continues to help other scouts pass their swim tests.  Hans served his troop as Quartermaster, Patrol Leader, Assistant Senior Patrol Leader, and Senior Patrol Leader. 

His eagle project was the restoration of lower level bathrooms at Trinity Methodist Church.  They added handrails in the bathroom, spackling, painting and making an access door for the water shutoff valve.

For the past two years Hans has been employed as a lifeguard at the Wes Deist Aquatic Center where he continues to work.  He is also currently on the Hillcrest High School swim team.  Scouting has forever shaped who he is and enhanced the foundation of who he will be.   He has learned much and grown up with many new skills. 


June 11, 2008

Opening Ceremony                                                                                            Nicholas Salazar

Senior Patrol Leader

Eagle Investiture                                                                                                        Bill O’Steen   Chartered Organization Representative

Slide Show                                                                                                         Troop 6 Leaders

Award Presentation                                                                                            Troop 6 Leaders

Charge to Eagles                                                                            Eagle Scout Richard Dickson

Benediction                                                                                               Chaplain Robin Stewart


Troop 6 Leaders:                                                                Scoutmaster, Cheryl Siedelmann

   Assistant Scoutmasters:  Royal Miller, Brian Dickson

   David Donselar, Greg Bass, Randy Crane,  Greg Macomb

   Jim MayerBlaine Johnson, Dean Addiego, Rich Edwards

Committee members:  Ron Salazar, Jovita Cosens     

Moira and Tim Solle, Alice Crall, Susan Smith

Karen Bass, Stephen Cole, Patti Edwards, Sara Jensen

Michael Kelso, Lisa Richardson, Nancy Stewart

Chaplain:  Robin Stewart

Committee Chairman:  Richard Dickson

     Chartered Org. Representative:                                         Bill O’Steen

Reception will follow, provided by Hans’ parents.

Troop 6 BSA is sponsored by Trinity United Methodist Church and is chartered in the Eagle Rock District of the Grand Teton Council 

Hans Eagle Script:


7:35 - [SPL is in place at podium, 12 scouts in line at left ready to do their part.  One Candle is lit in holder.   SPL gives Scout sign.  As silence is complete.]

Green candle is lit before the ceremony starts.

SPL:    Scouts, scouters, guests, friends and family, please rise... 

SPL:  Color Guard Assemble

    Hand salute

    Color Guard Forward, Halt

    Please post the colors

The color guard enters from the rear 

SPL:    Please join me in the Pledge of Allegiance.

    I pledge allegiance to the flag

    of the United States of America

    And to the Republic, for which it stands

    One nation under God, indivisible

    with Liberty and Justice for all.  Two.

SPL:  Scouts and Scouters, please make the Scout sign and Join me in the Scout Oath -

    On my honor I will do my best

    To do my duty to God and my country

    And to obey the Scout law

    To help other people at all times

    To keep myself physically strong,

    Mentally awake and morally straight.

SPL:    Two.  Color guard, dismissed.  The audience may be seated.

SPL:    Robin Stewart, Chaplain of Troop 6, will give the invocation.

Robin:     Prayer.  [Gives prayer from main podium.  Departs as soon as done.]

SPL:     The Master of Ceremonies for this evening's Court of Honor is Bill O’Steen, Trinity representative for Troop 6.

MC:      I, William O’Steen, on behalf of the National Council, Boy Scouts of America, now call this National Court of Honor to order.

MC:       To earn the higher rank in Scouting, a young man has to spend a great deal of time and effort.  Therefore the occasion which recognizes his accomplishments is very special.

MC:  When a boy becomes a scout, there should be instilled within him something that we call the "Scouting Spirit."  This single lighted candle represents that spirit.  (HOLD UP THE LIT CANDLE)  Because the scouting spirit embodies the fine principles of the Scout Oath and Law, it becomes a shining beacon of inspiration.  Alone this light may be feeble, but when multiplied by the more than four million youth in Scouting, it can become very powerful indeed.

MC:  The Scouts of Troop 6 will now present the Scout Law:  

(Scouts, holding candles, walk up to center microphone. SPL lights the candles after he gives each law point. Scouts read law explanation.  

SPL:      A Scout is Trustworthy.

Scout 1:  A Scout tells the truth. He is honest, and he keeps his promises. People can depend on him.

SPL:      A Scout is Loyal.

Scout 2:  A Scout is true to his family, friends, Scout leaders, school, and nation.

SPL:      A Scout is Helpful.

Scout 3:  A Scout cares about other people. He willingly volunteers to help others without expecting payment or reward.

SPL:     A Scout is Friendly.

Scout 4:  A Scout is a friend to all.  He is a brother to other Scouts. 

He offers his friendship to people of all races and nations, and respects them even if their beliefs and customs are different from his own.

SPL:      A Scout is Courteous.

Scout 5:  A Scout is polite to everyone regardless of age or position.  He knows that using good manners makes it easier for people to get along.

Caller:      A Scout is Kind.

Scout 6:  A Scout knows there is strength in being gentle.  He treats others as he wants to be treated.  Without good reason, he does not harm or kill any living thing.

SPL:      A Scout is Obedient.

Scout 7:  A Scout follows the rules of his family, school, and troop.  He obeys the laws of his community and country.  If he thinks these rules and laws are unfair, he tries to have them changed in an orderly manner rather than disobeying them.

SPL:  A Scout is Cheerful.

Scout 8:  A Scout looks for the bright side of life. He cheerfully does tasks that come his way. He tries to make others happy.

SPL: A Scout is Thrifty.

Scout 9:  A Scout works to pay his own way and to help others.  He saves for the future.  He protects and conserves natural resources.  He carefully uses time and property.

SPL: A Scout is Brave.

Scout 10:  A Scout can face danger although he is afraid.  He has the courage to stand for what he thinks is right even if others laugh at him or threaten him.

SPL:  A Scout is Clean.

Scout 11:  A Scout keeps his body and mind fit and clean.  He chooses the company  of those who live by high standards. He helps keep his home and community clean.

SPL: A Scout is Reverent.

Scout 12:  A Scout is reverent toward God.  He is faithful in his religious duties.  He respects the beliefs of others.

SPL:  Thank you Scouts, extinguish your candles, you are dismissed.


MC:     We are gathered here tonight to bestow the rank of Eagle Scout on Hans Kaser.  The Eagle Award is the culmination of the various efforts of many leaders of this Scout.  It is an occasion for pride and joy and a time for serious contemplation.  We realize that this is the highest rank in Scouting, and the most coveted of all awards in Scouting.  It is the last major step in the advancement program.  It is, therefore, right and proper that a careful examination of the qualifications of applicant has been made.  In order that you may understand the completeness of our examination, we shall explain the various inquiries made regarding the candidate.  First, Jim Mayer, representing the Scoutmasters of Troop 6.

Jim:    The first consideration in the examination of Hans was proficiency in the various crafts and skills prescribed in the requirements for the Eagle Award.  He presented a record of 21 merit badges earned and these have been carefully checked.  He has been certified by merit badge counselors approved by the troop committee, and the Board found that Hans has fully qualified for the required merit badges for the Eagle Award.

MC:    Ron Salazar, representing the Board of Review formed from the Troop 6 Committee.

Ron:    Another important consideration for the Eagle Award is leadership.  The Board of Review has carefully reviewed the record of the leadership positions Hans has held in the troop, including Senior Patrol Leader.  The Eagle service project which Hans planned and supervised, was to repair and paint restrooms here at Trinity.  We find that He has demonstrated his capacity and his willingness to exert his leadership ability in activities that are constructive and worthwhile in this community.  We believe that he is qualified to receive the Eagle Award.

MC:        And now, Robin Stewart, representing the sponsoring organization, Trinity United Methodist Church, which supports our troop.

Robin:    Last, but certainly not least, is the Scout's character.  We have heard from teachers, his pastor, his parents, his neighbors, and many others regarding Hans.  It is the finding of the Board that he is endeavoring to put into practice in his daily life, the principles of the Scout Oath and Law.  We believe he will continue these habits after receiving the Eagle Award.


MC:        Would the Troop 6 Honor Guard escort the candidate, Hans Kaser, to the podium.

Display first slide - Hans with Eagle badge.

[Honor guard brings Hans forward to the dais, facing the audience. 4 ASMs step up to mic.]

Hans  stands ready to light  the appropriate candles as required.  Assistant Scoutmasters mover to lower podium.]

MC:        Honor Guard dismissed.

MC:        There are lifelong responsibilities and obligations that come with the rank of Eagle Scout and they should not be undertaken lightly.

ASM 1:    The first obligation of an Eagle Scout is to live with honor.  An Eagle's honor is sacred.  Honor is the foundation of all character.  Character is what one really is down deep inside, not what someone thinks one is.  An Eagle will so live that he reflects honor upon his home, his church, his school, his friends and upon himself... May the white of your badge remind you to live with honor.

[Hans lights white candle] 

ASM 2:    The second obligation of an Eagle Scout is loyalty.  Without loyalty, all character lacks direction.  An Eagle is loyal to his ideals.  “To thine own self be true, and it must follow as the night into day, thou cannot then be false to any man.”  Neither pain nor profit, pride nor personal loss shall swerve him in his loyalty...  May the blue of your badge remind you to always be loyal.

[Hans lights blue candle] 

ASM 3:    The third obligation of an Eagle Scout is courage.  Courage gives all character force and strength.  Trusting in God and with faith in his fellow man, he faces each day unafraid and seeks his share of the world's work to do... May the red of your badge remind you always of courage.

[Hans lights red candle] 

ASM 4:    The final obligation of an Eagle Scout is service.  He extends a helping hand to those who still toil up the Scouting trail he has just completed, just as others helped him in his achievement of the Eagle Rank.  The habit of the daily Good Turn must take on new meaning, and blossom forth in a life of service.  He protects and defends the weak and helpless.  He aids and comforts the unfortunate and the oppressed.  He upholds the rights of others while demanding his own.  His code of action is based upon the belief that real leadership must be founded upon real service... May the motto "Be Prepared" always remind you that as an Eagle you are among those best prepared to be of service to others...  May the eagle suspended from the ribbon always remind you to perform that service when the opportunity presents itself.

MC:        Eagle Candidate Hans Kaser, are you willing to accept these responsibilities?

Hans:    I am. 

MC:        Mrs. Siedelmann has collected some of your Scout pictures to remind you and the others of the fun you had in Scouting.   

Five Readers get ready.  MC extinguishes all the candles.


Hans was a Cub Scout in Pack 6, In May of 2002 he graduated with his Arrow of Light.

Then he bridged into Troop 6.  Here Scoutmaster Jim Siedelmann gives Hans his Troop neckerchief.  He attended three outings without pictures - two trips to Heise and one to Green Canyon Hot Springs.

One of his first outings in 2003 was the iron man in Island Park.  Here are the guys on the biking leg of the trip.

Summer camp that year was at Buffalo Bill near Cody, Wy.  Here Hans practices his knife skills.

It didn’t take long for Hans to find the water.  Here he is working on the Canoeing merit badge.

Brian got to lead a bunch of young Scouts - do you recognize them - Tanner, Bob, Nick, Michael & Hans.

There was time for lots of crafts at camp - Hans makes a boondoggle for his mom.

Relaxing around camp, Hans is startled when asked to smile.

But at the Court of Honor in September, Hans learned how to make sure he was in the picture.

September of 2003 saw the troop backpack into Yellowstone.  Here is Hans with Allen & Nick.

They made a great discovery at the campsite - a throne.

October was another backpack into Alaska Basin.  Here Hans and Bob keep from swimming in the creek.

What happened to Bob?  Hans is playing the innocent hiker.

Hans and Tyler take a rest break.

Hans takes another break.  Mrs. Siedelmann had to prod him along the trail with her hiking stick.

Hans picked up a fuzzy friend on the trail.


Here the guys are at Massacre Rocks State Park in March 2004 doing the Sphinx skit.

Hans is sitting on one of the boulders at Massacre Rocks.

In April Hans joined the troop for some real climbing at City of the Rocks.

Summer camp in 2004 was at Bradley in the Sawtooth mountains.  Hans once again found the water.

What is he up to?  Maybe trying to hide from the nasty gnats.  Everyone came home with lots of bug bites.

Hans joins the clowning around with the camp director, Steve Nelson.

And he joins Nick and Tanner in a service project.

One of the good features of the camp was that we could bring bikes, Hans shows off his biking skills.

This is at the put-in for the 50 miler on the Snake River in 2004.

Here the guys rest for lunch while doing a service project during the 50 miler.

In November, Hans was part of the color guard at Mr. Siedelmann’s funeral.


This is Hans, always one to do a good pose for the camera.

Nick, Tyler and Hans practice cooking during a troop meeting.

Another water outing,  Hans gets a drink during the ski in to Granite Hot Springs.

Hans and Jeff prove that they were there.

Randy Crane does something fascinating, perhaps levitating the wood, while Hans & Nick look on.

Hans helps the guys collect trash on a bike outing to Cedar Butte.

That summer the troop went to Camp Meriwether on the Oregon coast.  Here Hans joins in the swimming competition.

There was lots of playing on the beach - here the guys bury Tanner as part of a sand sculpture competition.

Hans checks out the pictures on Mrs. Siedelmann’s computer.

Hans works on the mile swim at Meriwether - one of 3 he earned.

The guys enjoy a campfire & songs during a night on the ocean beach.

At low tide, Hans explores the rocks for starfish, sea urchins and other ocean life.

Hans does some bonding with Mr Haley from Troop 310 who went to Meriwether with us.

Later that summer, Hans cools off during the Table Mountain hike.

Hans is delighted to be with his mother at the fall Court of Honor.

Hans and Austin practice some first aid at the Siedelmann cabin during Junior Leader Training.

Later that year it was back to the cabin for a rocket launching outing - and swimming at Green Canyon.

Here Hans is participating in one of many Scouting for Food drives at Holy Rosary.

Hans made a capote with the troop in December.

Here he models the hood for his capote - Good cut, Hans!


Hans attended his first Winteree as a Scout (after a cold Cubbing experience there.)  His Patrol won the trophy.

Nick, Hans & Lance practice mushing with a Klondike sled.

Mr. Salazar helps them get skis ready for a Harriman trek.

Then it’s time to enjoy all the snow on the Harriman trails.

At one meeting, all of the Scouts get to carve up an Ivory soap bar.  Hans made a carving for his Mom.

Another nice spring campout at Massacre Rocks, Hans eyes the river, considering a swim.

He couldn’t resist, and jumped in fully clothed for a swim.  This was in April & it was a short swim.

Hans just got his driver’s license and one of his first trips was to Blackfoot to honor Robin Stewart as he was awarded a Silver Beaver.

The June outing that year was at Ririe Reservoir where Robin pulled the guys on a tube.

Hans and Nick work on a campfire skit that night.

The next morning was warm and sunny as Hans packed up his gear.

The canoe trip back to the put-in didn’t go as planned.  Hans and Zach swamped their canoe & Robin got in to help them get it back to shore.  

Another year, another rummage sale and Hans is working hard.

That summer the troop went to one of the best summer camps - Camp Easton near Coeur d’Alene.  Here Hans got to throw the tomahawk.

Hans and some of the guys did the camp flag ceremony one morning.

Hans fell in love with lake Coeur d’Alene and spent lots of time in or on the water.

Bob, Hans and some of the guys line up at the dining hall for some great food.

Hanging out around the campfire one evening.

Hans smiles as he hikes up from a swimming session on the lake.

Hans and Zach sailed across on the big boat, but the wind died and they had to paddle it for a few miles.  

Here he participates in an all-camp scout skills competition.

That year’s 50 miler was a canoe trip on the MIssouri River.  Hans and everyone else got to spend lots of time in the 80 degree water.

Hans and Mr. Salazar lead the troop in “Ghost Chickens” - bak, bak, bak.

Cruising down the river on a sunny afternoon.

After the trip we camped in Ft. Benton, had ice cream, swam in their pool & ate real food.  Here Hans practices his Frankenstien’s monster imitation.

I have to do WHAT!  Cook.  The guys practice some skill in the church kitchen.

Green Canyon, and of course it snowed.  Hans got to show off his capote.

Lance, Zach, Hans & Eric pose in the pool.


Hans made good use of hot hands at the Winteree.

He worked with his patrol on some of the competitions.

At the troop Dutch oven brunch Hans used an oven cover for protection from the rain.

Here all of the master chefs pose with their stacks of ovens.

Hans and Bob practice an Indian game.

At the Court of Honor, Hans got his 100 degrees below triangular patch.  It only took four years.

Then it was time for more degrees below as Hans did another Granite Canyon Hot Springs ski trip.

Hans shows off his bush man hair at the Salmon River High Adventure Base.

Here he is jumping into the Salmon River from a cliff.

And swimming back to the raft.

Summer camp at Treasure Mountain was damp, even when you weren’t in the water.

Hans and others wait for their turn at the Battle of the Tetons.  That is the Camp spirit stick he’s holding.

Hans and Lance compete at a pulling game.

But Mr. Johnson gets the better of Hans.

Then it’s time for the famous Pirate Skit - Got milk?  Arrr!

For Junior Leader Training, Hans and Nick Addiego made an catapult.

Then everyone tried to stay up too late and watch movies.

Another November, another trip to Green Canyon, this was Hans last trip there as a Scout.

Practicing pull-ups in the morning,  - it didn’t snow that time.


Lance uses Hans as a table at the Winteree at Krupp Scout Hollow.

Here the Eagle Patrol pushes its Klondike sled in the race - with Zach enjoying the ride.

Hans practices first aid on Nathan.

Doing dishes in Mary Dawson Hall for the Dutch oven brunch.

Its been a hard day, and Hans works on his Eagle project, showing leadership by taking pictures - as it should be.

Hans & Scout Symbol]     


MC:        Would the Honor Guard please conduct Hans’s parents, Amy and Tim Kaser, forward.

MC:        Honor Guard dismissed.

MC:        By the authority vested in this Court of Honor, by the National Council, Boy Scouts of America, and by the recommendation of the various persons who have investigated your credentials, your leadership practice and your character, this Court hereby awards the rank of Eagle Scout to Hans C. Kaser of Troop 6 of Idaho Falls.

Wait for applause.

MC:      Hans’s mother Amy Kaser, will now present Hans with his Eagle Medal.

MC:        No-one will ever know the unnumbered acts of service and helpfulness from the mother of this Eagle Scout which has led us to this night.  As the symbol of what this mom has made possible, the court asks Hans to present his mother with a Mom’s Eagle Pin.

MC:        Your father has watched your scouting career over the years and has offered his support.  The court asks that you present him with an Eagle Dad Pin.  Your dad will in turn present you with an Eagle tie tack for your use.

MC:        Hans will now present his Eagle mentor pins.

Hans: Presents pins, adds his comments.

MC:        The leaders of Troop 6 will now present other Eagle items:

MC:      The Eagle Scout badge.

MC:        I am proud of my Eagle Scout' bumper sticker for your parents.

MC:     Eagle Certificate and card for you.

MC:     The Eagle Neckerchief to you.

MC:        In remembrance of your scouting career, all the fun times and all the work , your Scoutmaster Cheryl Siedelmann, and your mom have made an Eagle album and CD of your Scouting pictures.  

MC:        Would the honor guard please escort  the parents to their seats.

[Honor guard moves parents clear, Court resumes their seats, candidate returns to his position near the American Flag.]

MC:        Richard and Brian Dickson will now deliver the Charge to Eagle.  Would all Eagle Scouts in the audience please join us on the podium.


Brian:    Hans, I have the honor of presenting to you the Charge to Eagle Scouts on this occasion of your elevation to the highest rank in Scouting.  This charge will be a permanent reminder of the principles of the scouting program and of Eagle Scouts.  It can only be presented to you by another Eagle Scout, and I am proud to be one.

The scouts of all nations constitute one of the most wholesome and significant movements in the world's history.  You have been judged by the Boy Scouts of America of being worthy of the highest rank in this great movement.  All who know you rejoice in your achievement.

Your position, as you know, is one of honor and responsibility, you are a marked man.  As an Eagle Scout, you have assumed a solemn obligation to do your duty to God, to your country, to your fellow Scouts and to mankind in general.  This is a great undertaking.  As you live up to your obligations you bring honor to yourself and to your brother scouts.  America has many good things to give you and your children.  But these good things depend for the most part on the quality of her citizens.  Our country has had a great past.  You can help make the future even better.

I charge you, Hans, to undertake your citizenship with a solemn dedication.  Be a leader, but lead only toward the best.  Lift up every task you do and every office you hold to a high level of service to God and to your fellow man.  So live and serve, that those who know you will be inspired to finer living.

I charge you, to be among those who dedicate their skills and abilities to the common good.  Build America on the solid foundation of clean living, honest work, unselfish citizenship, and reverence for God; and whatever others may do, you will leave behind a record of which every other Scout may be justly proud.

Richard:    Hans, I challenge you to enter this Eagle brotherhood, holding ever before you, without reservation, the ideals of honor and service.  By the repetition of the Eagle Scout Promise before your fellow members, you will become an Eagle Scout.  Though the words you use are similar to those by which you joined Scouting, they will mean more now than they could have meant at any time in the past.  When you pledge yourself on your sacred honor, you will be sealing your eternal loyalty to the code of the Eagle Scout with the words which closed the Declaration of Independence.

Richard:    Scouts, scouters, parents and guests please stand.

[Richard moves to stand facing the candidate]

Richard:    All Eagle Scouts, make the scout sign and repeat after me.

I reaffirm my allegiance,

to the three promises of the Scout Oath

I thoughtfully recognize and take upon myself

the obligations and responsibilities

of the rank of Eagle Scout.

On my honor I will do my best

to make my training an example

my rank and my influence to count strongly

for better scouting and better citizenship 

in my troop and in my community

and in my contacts with other people.

To this I pledge my sacred honor. 


Cheryl:    Ladies and gentlemen, by the authority vested in me by the National Court of Honor of the Boy Scouts of America it is my privilege to present to you  Eagle Scout Hans C. Kaser.


MC:        Will the honor guard please escort the new Eagle Scout to the parlor.

[Honor guard moves Hans and all other Eagles to the rear of the room.  Robin moves to podium for benediction.]

MC:     Robin Stewart will now give the benediction.

Robin:    [Benediction]

MC:        I now declare this National Court of Honor closed.  I ask the members of the Court and Eagle Scouts present to be the first to congratulate Hans Kaser.  A reception with refreshments has been prepared for everyone.




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